
UPSSSC Stenographer Main Examination (PET-2023)-Apply Now

Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Service Selection Commission

  • The Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission (UPSSSC), Lucknow is conducting the Stenographer Main Exam (P) A.P.-2023.
  • The application process is online, and candidates must apply through the UPSSSC website.
  • Candidates must have appeared in the Preliminary Eligibility Test (PET-2023) and received a valid scorecard to apply.
  • There are 661 total posts, split into 608 (General Selection) and 53 (Special Selection).
  • Important dates are provided, including deadlines for fee submission, application, and fee adjustment.

Important Dates:

Date of advertisement publication02-12-2024
Starting date for online application / fee submission26-12-2024
Last date for depositing online application fee / submitting application25-01-2025
Last date for fee adjustment and application amendment01-02-2025

Total Posts

CategoryNumber of Posts
General Selection608
Special Selection53

Application Fee Details

CategoryApplication FeeOnline Processing FeeTotal Fee
Unreserved (General)₹0₹25₹25
Scheduled Backward Classes (OBC)₹0₹25₹25
Scheduled Caste (SC)₹0₹25₹25
Scheduled Tribes (ST)₹0₹25₹25

Additional Notes:

  • Dependents of freedom fighters, ex-servicemen, women, disabled persons, and outstanding sportspersons will pay fees according to their basic category listed above.
  • Candidates shortlisted for the main examination will pay a separate examination fee before downloading the admit card.

Educational Qualifications

Educational Qualifications– Must have passed Intermediate examination (or equivalent) recognized by the Govt.
– Minimum speed of 80 wpm in Hindi shorthand and 25 wpm in Hindi typewriting.
– Must have passed the CCC course conducted by DOEACC Society or equivalent computer course.
Preferential Qualifications– Served in the Territorial Army for at least 2 years.
– Obtained a ‘B’ certificate of the National Cadet Corps (NCC).

Age Limit

Minimum Age18 years (as of 01 July of the recruitment year).
Maximum Age40 years (as of 01 July of the recruitment year).
RelaxationsSC/ST/OBC & other categories: As per Govt. rules. – UP Police Housing Corp: 5 years.

Selection Process

Written ExaminationCandidates shortlisted based on PET-2023 scores.
Skill TestHindi Shorthand: Minimum speed 80 wpm.
Hindi Typing: Minimum speed 25 wpm.
Final SelectionBased on the written exam and qualifying in the skill test.

Important Links

Detailed NotificationClick Here
Apply OnlineClick Here
Admit CardClick Here
ResultsClick Here

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