
RPSC invites online applications for recruitment Professor and Coach (School Education) in 24 different subjects in Rajasthan

Rajasthan Public Service Commission

The Commission invites online applications for recruitment to a total of 2202 posts of Professor and Coach (School Education) in various 24 subjects for the Secondary Education Department under the Rajasthan Education (State and Subordinate) Service Rules, 2021. The post is permanent and the total number of vacancies received from the department can be reduced/increased.

Details of posts

Name of PostNumber of posts
Professor-Political Science225
Professor-Home Science16
Professor-Physical Education37
Coach- kho-kho1
Coach- Hockey1

Educational Qualifications

Post NumberRequired Qualifications
1-11, 13-15Post Graduate or Equivalent examination recognized by UGC in the relevant subject, with a Degree or Diploma in Education recognized by NCTE/Government.
12Post Graduate or Equivalent examination recognized by UGC/Indian Council of Agricultural Research in Home Science, with a Degree or Diploma in Education recognized by NCTE/Government.
16Post Graduate or Equivalent examination recognized by UGC in Zoology/Botany/Micro-Biology/Bio-Technology/Life Science/Bio Science, provided Botany and Zoology were studied at Graduation level, with a Degree or Diploma in Education recognized by NCTE/Government.
17(1) Post Graduate or Equivalent examination recognized by UGC in Commerce with B.Com. OR (2) Post Graduate in Commerce, having at least two teaching subjects for Higher Secondary classes as prescribed by the Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan, Ajmer. Degree or Diploma in Education recognized by NCTE/Government.
18Post Graduate or Equivalent examination recognized by UGC in Drawing or equivalent qualification as declared by the Government, or a Diploma of four/five years’ duration in Arts from any recognized School/College of Arts.
19Post Graduate or Equivalent examination recognized by UGC in Music or equivalent qualification as declared by the Government.
20Graduate or Equivalent examination recognized by UGC and Post Graduate in Physical Education/M.P.Ed. (2 years duration) recognized by NCTE.
21-24Graduate or Equivalent examination recognized by UGC with a Degree or Diploma from National Institute of Sports (NIS), and working knowledge of Hindi written in Devanagari Script, along with knowledge of Rajasthani culture.

Pay Scale and Age Limit

Pay Matrix LevelL-12 (Grade Pay – 4800/-)
Salary During ProbationFixed monthly salary (Fix Pay) will be payable during the probation period.
Minimum Age21 years as of 01.01.2025
Maximum AgeLess than 40 years as of 01.01.2025
Age Calculation NoteFor posts advertised in 2022 (except post serial number 4), the age calculation base was 01.01.2023.
Age Relaxation– Candidates older than 01.01.2025 will receive an additional one-year relaxation in maximum age limit (for all posts except post number 4).
– For post number 4 (advertised in 2018), candidates older than 01.01.2025 will receive an additional three-year relaxation in maximum age limit.

Important Dates:

Application start date05.11.2024
Application last date04.12.2024 12:00 PM
Application ProcessFollow the instructions provided on the official website.

Important Links

Detailed NotificationClick Here
Apply OnlineClick Here
Admit CardClick Here
Answer KeysClick Here
ResultsClick Here


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