
Recruitment of Lecturer in the Department of AYUSH (RPSC) – Apply Now

Rajasthan Public Service Commission

The Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) invites online applications for 9 Lecturer posts in the Department of AYUSH under the Rajasthan Ayurveda, Unani, Homeopathy, and Naturopathy Service Rules, 1973. The selection process involves a written examination (offline/online), followed by a merit-based recommendation. The age limit is 20-45 years as of January 1, 2026, with category-based relaxations. The pay scale is Level-14 (Grade Pay ₹5400/-). Candidates must hold a graduate and postgraduate degree in Ayurveda. The application process, corrections, and fee details are provided below.

Important Dates

Notification ReleaseFebruary 13, 2025
Application StartFebruary 20, 2025
Application DeadlineMarch 21, 2025 (till midnight)
Exam DateTo be announced

Vacancies (Subject-wise)

SubjectTotal Vacancies
Agad Tantra01
Physiotherapy (Kayachikitsa)01
Karma (Panchkarma)01
Obstetrics & Gynecology (Prasooti Tantra & Stree Roga)01
Shalakya Tantra01
Samhita (Maulik Siddhant)01
Sanskrit (Swasthavritta)02

Age Limit (As of January 1, 2026)

CategoryMinimum AgeMaximum Age
General20 years45 years
SC/ST/OBC (Male)20 years50 years
SC/ST/OBC (Female)20 years55 years
General (Female)20 years50 years

Pay Scale

Pay LevelGrade PaySalary (Approx.)
Level-14₹5400/-As per State Govt. norms

Educational Qualifications

Bachelor’s DegreeAyurveda from a recognized university
Postgraduate DegreeIn the relevant subject/specialty (as per IMCC Act, 1970)
AdditionalKnowledge of Hindi (Devnagari script) & Rajasthan Culture

Exam Pattern & Selection Process

Written ExamOffline/OnlineObjective type questions
Merit ListCommission’s discretionMay use normalization/scaling
Final SelectionMerit-based recommendationCandidates ranked as per performance

Selection Process

  1. Candidates will be selected through a written examination.
  2. If required, the Commission may use scaling/moderation/normalization methods for evaluation.
  3. A merit list will be prepared based on performance in the written examination.
  4. The Commission will recommend names of suitable candidates to the appointing authority in order of merit.

Exam Scheme

SubjectNo. of QuestionsTotal MarksDuration
General Knowledge of Rajasthan40402.5 hours
Concerned Subject1101102.5 hours
Total1501502.5 hours
  • Negative Marking: 1/3rd marks deducted for each wrong answer.
  • Candidates must darken one circle per question on the OMR sheet.
  • Leaving more than 10% questions unanswered leads to disqualification.

Application Process

  1. Visit RPSC Website
  2. Complete One Time Registration (OTR) via SSO portal
  3. Fill in the online application form
  4. Upload documents, live photo, thumb impression, and signature
  5. Pay the required application fee
  6. Submit and take a printout

Correction & Edit Window

Correction TypeTimelineFee
Basic EditsWithin 10 days after application deadline₹500/-
Photo/Minor Changes60 days before the exam₹600/-

Application Fee

General (UR) / BC (Creamy Layer)₹600/-
SC/ST/OBC (Non-Creamy Layer)₹400/-
PwD / Sahariya Primitive Tribes₹400/-
SC/ST/OBC from outside Rajasthan₹600/- (General category fee)

Exam Center & Date

  • Exam Location: To be notified later
  • Exam Date: To be announced

Special Provisions for Differently-Abled Candidates

  • Dictation Facility available for visually impaired (40%+ disability), locomotor disability (both arms), and cerebral palsy candidates upon submission of medical certificates.
  • Candidates with less than 40% disability must provide a Chief Medical Officer’s certificate to avail dictation/extra time.
  • Applicants must contact the Commission two days before the exam for these facilities.

Important Instructions

  • Candidates must use the same mobile number & email ID throughout the process.
  • Incorrect entries in the application form will not be corrected later.
  • If an applicant fills the wrong category, they cannot request changes later.
  • Applying from e-Mitra or any third party is the candidate’s responsibility.
  • The provisional admit card does not confirm eligibility; verification is done later.

Important Links

Detailed NotificationClick Here
Apply OnlineClick Here
Admit CardClick Here
ResultsClick Here
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