
Recruitment of Agriculture Officer in Rajasthan (Re-Opened)-RPSC -Apply Now

Rajasthan Public Service Commission

RPSC has increased the number of vacancies of Agriculture Officers and reopened the online portal to apply against these vacancies. Interested candidates can apply now.

Vacancies and reservation details

Important Dates for Online Application

Online Application Start29th November 2024
Online Application End13th December 2024, 12:00 PM
Link DeactivationAfter 13th December 2024, 12:00 PM

Educational Qualification

Essential QualificationM.Sc. (Agriculture) or M.Sc. (Horticulture) from a recognized university
Additional RequirementWorking knowledge of Hindi written in Devnagari Script
Cultural KnowledgeKnowledge of Rajasthan Culture
Candidates in Final YearCandidates appearing in the final year exams can apply, but must provide proof of qualification before the written exam

Minimum and Maximum Age

Age CriteriaDetails
Minimum Age20 years (as of 01.01.2025)
Maximum Age40 years (as of 01.01.2025)

Age Relaxation

SC/ST/OBC/MBC/EWS Male Candidates5 years
SC/ST/OBC/MBC/EWS Female Candidates10 years
Widows/Divorced WomenNo upper age limit
Ex-Servicemen10 years or service period, whichever is greater
Persons with Disabilities (PWD)5 years
Government Employees40 years (for those already in service)
Ex-PrisonersRelaxation equal to the term of imprisonment served
Cadet InstructorsRelaxed by service period, not exceeding 3 years
Panchayat Samitis/Zila Parishads Employees40 years for direct recruitment
Reservists (Rathya Rova Personnel)50 years

Fee Structure

CategoryFee Amount
General (Unreserved)Rs. 600/-
Reserved Categories (SC/ST/OBC Non-Creamy Layer/EWS/Divyangjan)Rs. 400/-
Candidates from States other than RajasthanRs. 600/-

Amendment and Correction Procedure

Fee for AmendmentsRs. 500/- per amendment
Correction PeriodAfter the application submission, no correction will be entertained after the examination is conducted.
Types of Amendments AllowedOnly online corrections are allowed; offline corrections are not accepted.
Legal ImplicationsProviding incorrect or false information can lead to disqualification, and such actions are punishable under Section 182 of the IPC.

Pay Scale

Pay LevelGrade PayDetails
Pay Matrix Level L-14₹5,400Standard pay scale for the position
Fixed Pay during ProbationAs per State Government rulesThe candidate will be on fixed pay during probation period.

How to Apply

1. Visit the Online PortalGo to RPSC Official Website and click on “Apply Online”. Or Directly from the link given below.
2. One Time Registration (OTR)If not registered, visit SSO Portal, log in, and complete OTR.
3. Apply OnlineAfter completing OTR, return to the RPSC portal and submit your application for the Agriculture Officer post.
4. Check CorrigendumReview updated category-wise details in Corrigendum 15/2024-25 available on the RPSC website.

Examination Scheme

PartSubjectNo. of QuestionsMarksDuration
Part-AGeneral Knowledge of Rajasthan40402.5 hours
Part-BConcerned Subject (Agriculture)1101102.5 hours
Total1501502.5 hours

Important Examination Instructions

Negative MarkingOne-third (1/3) mark will be deducted for every incorrect answer.
Answer SheetMark answers with a blue ballpoint pen. For unattempted questions, darken option 5.
Disqualification for Incorrect MarkingIf more than 10% questions have no answer marked, the candidate will be disqualified.
Mobile Number & EmailCandidates should provide a mobile number and email ID for receiving exam updates.
Correction of ErrorsAfter submission, no changes are allowed in the application form. The candidate is responsible for any errors.
Category DiscrepancyIf a candidate applies under a wrong category, the application may be rejected.

Important Links

Detailed NotificationClick Here
Re-Open Notification Click Here
Apply OnlineClick Here
Admit CardClick Here
ResultsClick Here

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