
Download result of UPPSC Staff Nurse Ayurveda (Male/Female) (Pre) Examination-2023

Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission


Information regarding the Staff Nurse Ayurveda (Male/Female) (Pre) Examination-2023:

Advertisement NumberA-4/E-1/2023, dated 04-09-2023
Examination Date08-09-2024
Total Candidates Appeared4248
Total Posts180
Candidates Qualified for Main ExamFemale Cadre: 89 candidates (against 162 posts)
Male Cadre: 8 candidates (against 18 posts)
Minimum Qualifying MarksCandidates who obtained the minimum qualifying marks prescribed by the Commission have been provisionally declared successful.
Result AvailabilityThe result is available on the Commission’s website:
Court Cases Impacting ResultSubject to the final decision of the Hon’ble High Court in the following writs:
– Writ ‘A’ number-7434/2023 (Ankita Maurya and 37 others vs. State of UP)
– Writ ‘A’ number-7625/2023 (Neelam Pandey and 11 others vs. State of UP)
– Writ ‘A’ number-8068/2023 (Shivani Mishra and 22 others vs. State of UP)
Provisional Nature of ResultsThe result is completely provisional; marks and category-wise cutoff will be published after the final selection result is declared.


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