
Download Result of Peon in HPPSC

Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission

Online Recruitment Applications (ORA) are invited from desirous and eligible candidates for recruitment to 04 (UR=01, SC of HP=01, OBC of HP=01 & EWS of HP=01) post(s) of Peon, Group-D, (on contract basis) on fixed contractual amount in Level-1 in HP Public Service Commission. Interested candidates can apply online.

Now the result has been declared by HPPSC. Interested candidates can see their result.

Important Dates

Advertisement Release07/12/2024
Closing Date for Application03/01/2025 (11:59 PM)
Closing Date for Fee Payment03/01/2025 (11:59 PM)


PostTotal PostsCategory-Wise Distribution
Peon, Group-D4UR: 1,
SC of HP: 1, OBC of HP: 1, EWS of HP: 1

Age Limit

Age CriteriaDetails
Minimum Age18 Years
Maximum Age45 Years
Age CalculationAs of 01/01/2024
Relaxation5 years for SC/ST/OBC/Other Reserved Categories of HP

Educational Qualifications

Qualification LevelRequirements
Essential QualificationPassed Matriculation from a recognized board or institution within HP.
ExemptionBonafide Himachalis and visually impaired candidates (specific conditions apply).
Desirable QualificationKnowledge of Himachal Pradesh’s customs, manners, and dialects.

Application Fees

All CategoriesNo Fee

Pay Scale

PostPay ScalePay Band Level
Peon, Group-D₹18,000 – ₹56,900 (Contract)Level-1

How to Apply

Step No.Process
1Visit the HPPSC Website.
2Register through “One Time Registration” (if not already registered).
3Log in to your account, choose the post, and upload necessary documents.
4Submit the application after verifying uploaded documents.

Selection Process

EvaluationBased on Matriculation marks (85 marks) and supporting documents (15 marks).
CriteriaMarks are calculated as a percentage of the candidate’s Matriculation score out of 85.
Additional EvaluationVarious certificates and experience provide bonus points (up to 15 marks).

Criteria of Evaluation for 100 Marks

Sr. No.CriteriaMarks
1Merit of Matriculation Examination (percentage of marks obtained calculated out of 85 marks).85 Marks
2Evaluation of Supporting Documents (as detailed below):15 Marks
2.1Belonging to a notified Backward Area or Panchayat.1 Mark
2.2Landless family or family having land less than 1 hectare (certified by Revenue Authority).2 Marks
2.3Non-employment certificate (no family members in government/semi-government service).2.5 Marks
2.4Differently-abled persons with more than 40% impairment/disability.1 Mark
2.5NSS (at least 1 year) / NCC certificate / Bharat Scout & Guide / National Level Sports Medal.1 Mark
2.6BPL family (income below ₹40,000 annually or as prescribed by the government).2.5 Marks
2.7Widow / divorced / destitute / single woman.1.5 Marks
2.8Single daughter / orphan.1 Mark
2.9Experience (up to a maximum of 5 years in Govt. / Semi-Govt. organizations).2.5 Marks


  • Marks for Matriculation are calculated proportionally (e.g., a candidate with 50% in Matric gets 42.5 marks).
  • Supporting document marks are cumulative, with a maximum of 15 additional marks.

Important Links

Detailed NotificationClick Here
Apply OnlineClick Here
Admit CardClick Here
ResultsClick Here

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