
Check Status of applications of CEN No. 02/2024 (Technician Grade-III) – Accepted or Rejected-RRB

Railway Recruitment Board

CEN No. 02/2024 (Technicians) issued on 09-03-2024, applications were invited for the post of Technician Grade-III. The scrutiny of the applications has been completed and candidates can view the status of their applications under (i) Provisionally accepted (ii) Provisionally accepted with conditions and (iii) Rejected (Along with reasons for rejection).


CEN No.02/2024 (Technician Grade-I Signal)
Application StatusCandidates can check the status as:
(i) Provisionally accepted
(ii) Provisionally accepted with conditions
(iii) Rejected (with reasons for rejection)
NotificationSMS and email sent to registered mobile number and email ID of candidates.
Important Notes– RRB reserves the right to rectify errors or mistakes.
– Candidature is provisional and may be canceled if discrepancies are found.
– Do not rely on unauthenticated sources for updates.
Helpdesk ContactPhone: 9592-001-188, 0172-565-3333

Important Links

Detailed NotificationClick Here
Apply OnlineClick Here
Application StatusClick Here
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Answer Keys Click Here
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