Central Industrial Security Forces The Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) is recruiting Constable/Tradesmen for various trades like Cook, Washerman, Sweeper,…
Rajasthan Staff Selection Board RSSB has issued the tentative exam calender for different categories of exams. Interested candidates can download…
हरियाणा सामान्य अध्ययन श्रृंखला • हरियाणा की औद्योगिक राजधानी कौन सी है?• गुरुग्राम।• हरियाणा में सबसे बड़ा कपड़ा उद्योग केंद्र…
Rajasthan High Court The Rajasthan High Court has announced 44 vacancies for the Civil Judge Cadre Direct Entry Competitive Examination,…
RAILWAY RECRUITMENT BOARD RRB has declared the exam result of CEN 03/2024 (JE/CMA/MDS). Interested candidates can download the result. SSC…
हरियाणा सामान्य अध्ययन श्रृंखला • हरियाणा की सबसे उपजाऊ मिट्टी कौन सी है?• जलोढ़ मिट्टी।• हरियाणा में मुख्य रूप से…
Punjab National Bank Punjab National Bank (PNB) is inviting applications for 350 Specialist Officer (SO) positions across different grades, including…
हरियाणा सामान्य अध्ययन श्रृंखला • हरियाणा की जलवायु कैसी है?• अर्ध-उष्णकटिबंधीय।• हरियाणा में औसत वार्षिक वर्षा कितनी होती है?• लगभग…
Haryana Public Service Commission The Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC) invites online applications for Assistant Professor (College Cadre) posts in…
Chandigarh Union Territory The Department of Animal Husbandry & Fisheries, Chandigarh Administration is inviting applications on a deputation basis for…